
Tomohiro Muda
1956年奈良県御所市生まれ。1980年早稲田大学卒業。82年よりネパールヒマラヤ山中のシェルパの村に暮らして撮影。88年初個展「ひかりの素足―シェルパ」を開催。2007年国立西洋美術館としてはじめての写真展「祈りの中世 ロマネスク美術写真展」を開催。08年中国の「雲岡石窟」の全容を撮影。09年より写真展「サンティアゴ巡礼の道 六田知弘 東洋のまなざし」が世界各地を巡回。2011年の震災後の東北地方にて津波にのまれ、打ち上げられた被災物を撮影し、13年より写真展「時のイコン―東日本大震災の記憶」を国内外で巡回。2014年「蓮―清らかな東アジアのやきもの×写真家・六田知弘の眼」を大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館で開催。
Tomohiro Muda was born in Gose City, Nara Prefecture in 1956. He graduated from Waseda University in 1980. From 1982 onwards, he lived for several months at a time in a Himalayan Sherpa village in Nepal and photographed life there. In 1988 he held his first solo exhibition, ‘The Land of Sherpa.’ In 2007, he held ‘Medieval Devotion: Photographs of Romanesque Art,’ the first photography exhibition to be staged at the National Museum of Western Art, Japan. In 2008 he photographed the entirety of China’s Yungang Grottoes. His exhibition ‘Santiago-Kumano. Caminos de Peregrinación’ has toured the world from 2009. In 2011, he began his ‘ICONS OF TIME’ project documenting objects swept up in the tsunami that followed the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. The resulting exhibition, ‘ICONS OF TIME - Memories of Tsunami that Struck Japan,’ has been shown in Japan and across the world from 2013. In 2014, ‘As Pure As the Lotus - East Asian Ceramics and the Eyes of the Photographer MUDA Tomohiro’ was held at the Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka.